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Uphold the Spirit of Aggie Muster: Volunteer!

Susan "Sue" Owen '94 November 28, 2018 2:17 PM updated: January 2, 2020 2:41 PM

Want to meet all the Aggies in your area?

Local Musters can be friendly and informal, and they’re usually the largest annual gathering of Aggies in a region. Most will include a Roll Call, but the event could take place at a picnic or a pizza restaurant.

Clockwise from top left: 2018 Aggie Musters in Shanghai; Oahu; Loudoun County, Virginia; and Salt Lake City.

Volunteers are almost always needed, and planning has begun for April 2020!

You might unfold chairs, bring flowers, hand out candles, assist with social media or clean up plates after a potluck. Often at local Musters, A&M Clubs will elect next year’s officers, hand out scholarships, or hold a raffle to raise more scholarship money.

How to get involved:

Find out if there is usually a Muster in your area.

  • In fact, your local 2020 Muster might already be on the map! Check here: Many more will appear there in coming months.

Reach out to the Muster chair (if there is one already).

  • If you found a 2020 Muster near you, that listing will have contact information for the Muster chair. You can contact them directly to volunteer.
  • If there was a 2019 Muster in your area, the contact information provided might still be good, or they could tell you who’s taking over. If those avenues fail, try your nearest A&M Club (look them up at or contact The Association’s Former Student Programs staff at

If there’s no Muster nearby, host your own!

  • The Association can provide you with ways to contact local Aggies, share Muster poems and songs, and get you onto the Muster map so that Ags can find your event. Get started at!

It was March 1923 when The Association wrote, “If there is an A&M man in one hundred miles of you, you are expected to get together, eat a little, and live over the days you spent at the A&M College of Texas.”

Bring your best Aggie stories and lend a hand. You’ll be helping to perpetuate what is perhaps the finest tradition Texas A&M University has.

Quick links: - Place an Aggie’s name on the Worldwide Roll - Learn where an Aggie’s name will be called - Criteria for names called at student-run campus Muster - Muster poems and songs

Gifts made to The Association of Former Students pay to mail thousands of local Muster invitations, provide Muster packets and maintain the Worldwide Muster Roll and other services. Add your support at

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