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The Aggie Ring is the most visible symbol of the worldwide Aggie Network and one of the oldest and most revered traditions of Texas A&M.

The Association of Former Students' Board of Directors established the Aggie Ring Scholarship Program in 2009. In 2024, 505 students were impacted through 318 endowed Aggie Ring Scholarships and a general scholarship fund for Aggie Rings.

We invite you to support Aggie Ring Scholarships and help ensure that the Aggie Ring is available to every Aggie who has earned the right to wear one.

Make a Gift Securely Online

Learn how to apply for an Aggie Ring Scholarship (current students).

Impacting Students & Preserving Tradition

Benjamin Knox print

Jarvis“The Aggie Ring is a visual symbol of accomplishment and recognizable symbol of the Aggie family. We want to do what we can to assure all those who earn it can proudly wear it.”

    - Jon ’68 & Johnette ’70 Jarvis

Former students and friends of Texas A&M can establish an endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship with a minimum gift of $40,000, which may be given over a five-year period.

Upon receipt of the initial gift, the donor will also have the opportunity to be involved in the scholarship recipient’s Aggie Ring Day and will be invited to the annual scholarship dinner hosted each spring by The Association of Former Students.

If you would like further information about establishing an endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship, please email Sheila Connor '92 at or call (979) 845-7514.

Gifts of any amount under $40,000 may be made to the general fund for Aggie Ring Scholarships using the online giving form. Gifts to the general Aggie Ring Scholarship fund are pooled, and are used to provide Aggie Ring Scholarships to students with financial need.

Below is a list of all endowed Aggie Ring Scholarships at The Association of Former Students:

  • Aggie Legends Golf Classic Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Andrew Gaines Abbott '14 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Frank G. ’18, Preston J. ’20 and Mary Margaret ’23 Abbott Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mary Beth Abbott '19 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Preston G. '84 and Susan C. '83 Abbott Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ann R. and Lester D. Adams '53 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mary L. and Robert L. "Bob" Albritton '71 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Traditions Council Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in Memory of Patrick H. Alexander, Jr. ’89
  • Janet K. and David E. Allen ’70 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • John W. Anderson, III '16 PMBA Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Angela Arterberry-Chapman '93 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Dr. M. Katherine Banks Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Michael '88 and Carol Barrett '85 Ashfield Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Colleen and Pat Beaird '83 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Donald W. Benkendorfer, Jr. '84 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • B Company Class of 1992 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Carolynn and David N. Bailey ’56 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lauren N. Baker '11 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Balfour Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Debra E. and Peter O. Barnhart '93 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Bassett Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ray Barrett '55 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Colleen and Pat Beaird ’83 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Elaine and Wayne Beal '68 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • COL and Mrs. Thomas L. Beale Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jordan Birdsong ’15 and Chase Birdsong ’17 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Keith ’86 and Leigh Birdsong Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Taylor Marie Birmingham '15 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Erin and John Bloss '00 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Robert O. Bond '81 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Steve Brauer '02 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brazos County A&M Club Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brazos County A&M Club Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Shirley Casey Briggs Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • D. Scott ’75 and Karen E. Brown Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Denna L. Brown '93 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Charles H. Burgess Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Melissa H. '94 and Charles B. "Brad" '92 Bynum Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jyl and T. Randall Cain '82 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Pat '44, Harry '50, and Bob '59 Cain Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kelly S. '93 and James T. '91 Calvetti Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lee Ann Gist Calvino '90 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Gentlemen of Campus Crawl - Classes of 2002 and 2003 Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Andrew J. Cantrell '91 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Grant Robert Castleberry '07 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Zou and F. Boyd Cherry '67 Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class Councils' Aggie Rings for Veterans Endowed Scholarship 
  • Class of 1955 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1960 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in memory of Lewis W. "Dutch" Wilkinson '60
  • Class of 1970 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1969 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1972 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1973 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1973 Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1974 Squadron 1 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1977 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1978 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1983 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1994 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 1999 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 2014 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Class of 2017 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Page and Gregory M. Cokinos '79 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Corps of Cadets Mothers Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Diana and Michael H. Connor '85 Singing Cadet Aggie Ring Endowment
  • Megan W. Cook '03 and Michael W. Cook '02 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ann M. '02 and Taylor P. '02 Cotton Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Patricia and Jay Craddock ’95 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Nanci and Jeff Cranford ’86 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Dallas A&M Club Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brad Daniel '13 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Daniels Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Becky ’76 and Monty ’77 Davis Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jeffrey S. Davis '81 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Patricia J. Davis '11 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ronald W. Davis '96 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Tera L. '94 and Robert L. '90 Davis Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Douglas R. DeCluitt ’57 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sweeney J. Doehring '82 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda and Glenn Dresner '69 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda and Glenn Dresner ’69 Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda and Glenn Dresner '69 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in Honor of Jerry Dresner '79
  • Glenn Dresner '69 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in loving honor of Brenda Dresner 
  • Andy Duffie ’78 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Tracey and William E. Deupree '83 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sharon Early and her grandson, Jameson Early Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Robert A. Epstein '44 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Fund
  • Peggy Erickson Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lauren ’07 and Travis ’05 Essl Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Elizabeth W. Elvig ’82 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Robert Logan Fagner '75 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • June and Nathan O. Finke ’70 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • David F. Fleming ’75 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Barbara B. and Marvin H. Fletcher, Jr. '69 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Fort Worth A&M Club Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • TJ Franklin Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • J. Scott Frederick '01 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sylvia Bartek Fuchs Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in loving memory of Barton Lynn Fuchs '69
  • Joseph K. Garner, Jr. '62 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Linda W. Garner '70 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Richard G. "Dick" Ghiselin, Jr. '60 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Marie S. and Dennis R. Glenewinkel ’65 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Rachel R. Gonzales Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Anna Cecilia Gonzalez '81 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mary Lou and Henry Gonzalez '58 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • John J. Goodrich '83 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brandi '22 and David '84 Greenberg Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • J. Walton Greenwade ’30 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Kathryn J. Greenwade '88 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Don C. Griffin, SR. '53 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Laurie H. '88 and Alfredo L. '88 Gutierrez Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Melody Moore Hadaway '82 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • CSM Jerry R. Hamann Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Christopher A. Hard '14 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sally Hardeman Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jolinda K. Harris '84 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kathy and Mike Havel '76 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Judy and Paul G. Hawrylak '88 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kay and R. Alan Hawrylak '81 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Liza and Steve M. Hawrylak '80 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sondra and John M. Hawrylak '83 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ann '79 and Will '82 Heidel Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Morgan Barry Henderson, Jr. Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Captain David R. Herr, Jr. USMC Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Charles R. Hewitt '50 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • David W. Hightower '75 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Yanting and Steven R. Hollingsworth ’99 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ronal K. Holsey, Sr. Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • James G. Hooton ’66 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Carol M. and Karl V. Hopkins ’89 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Houston A&M Club Presidents Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Barbara J. and William M. Huffman '53 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Huslin' 1 Guardians Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Janice K. and Lt Col Charles L. Jackson '61 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jon '68 and Johnette '70 Jarvis Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Stephanie R. ’85 and Christopher M. ’83 Jergens Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • James O. Johnson (maj. U.S. Army) and Marjorie F. Johnson (CAPT. A.N.C.) Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Patricia "Nana Pat" Johnston Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Bob '85 and Kelly '86 Jordan Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Soren '10 and Victoria '12 Jordan Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kimberly D. '03 and Patrick A. '99 Kainer Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Cari S. '94 and Christopher P. Kerstiens '18 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Allison Ayers King '78 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Nellie E. and George L King Class of 1916 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sharon L. and Cecil T. Kirksey, Jr. ’58 and Margaret E. ’94 and Christopher R. ’93 Dailey Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Kelsey Lynn Klinkenberg ’13 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Wes E. '81 and Lisa '82 Klett Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Charles Kmiecik '74 Squadron 1 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kmiecik-Graham Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lynette R. and Darnell R. Knippa '70 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Elizabeth D. '91 and Robert W. '90 Koenig Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Michelle L. and Kyle B. Kolb ’01 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Michelle L. and Kyle B. Kolb ’01 Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kopf Family '91 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in Memory of Mrs. Ana Maria Moreno
  • Kopf Family '91 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in Memory of Mr. George Francis Kopf
  • Lisa and Stephen Korkmas ’80 and Alexandra Korkmas ’16 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Victoria G. '03 and Peter W. '03 Kramer Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Barbara A. and K. Fred Kristiansen '60 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Harold Kupfer '54 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Bennett Lachner '80 and Joshua Lachner '17 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Catherine K. ’03 and Benjamin J. ’01 Laechelin Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • COL William C. Lafield, Jr. ’44 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Richard I. Lay ’52 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lucia McAlister Lech '84 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Karen S. '03 and Toby L. '03 Lepley Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lauren E. Lewis '09 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Patricia J. and Dan L. Lindsey '72 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sandra J. '79 and Stephen K. '79 London Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Gordon D. Loomis '73 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Raymond C. Loomis Sr. ’42 Corps of Cadets Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Stephani Luebben '18 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda R. and Jason K. Mahoney ’99 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sue E. ’94 and Patrick D. ’71 Mahoney Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Cathy Gist Mann '92 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Stan and Cathy Mann '92 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jennifer L. and Jared A. Marshall '16 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Bob and Pat Marton Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Edna Earle Mattei Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • James R. McBride '62 and Gerald C. McBride '28 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Connor McCasland ’15 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Shara '90 and Craig McClure Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jimmy D. McCord/McCord Engineering, Inc. Agriculture Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jimmy D. McCord/McCord Engineering, Inc. Engineering Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Reba and Kenneth ’60 McGee Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • COL Michael E. '76 and Laura W. Mergens Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Erin Alexandra Miller '17 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Tammy L. '95 and Mark A. '95 Miller Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sue Ellen '81 and Phil '80 Miner Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Taryn N. ’07 and Kyle D. ’06 Mitchan Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Valerie L. Mogas '81 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Henry O. Mohr DVM '62 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sue R. Mohrmann '81 and Leonard E. Mohrmann, Jr. '80 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jennifer and Daniel Montgomery ’86 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Robin R. Moore Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sterling A. Moore '81 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kerrie L. ’89 and Michael J. ’88 Moran Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Susan J. and Michael F. '20 Morris Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Tom C. "Ike" Morris '33 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • The Mugdown Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Michelle A. and John C. "Jace" Mullen Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mullen Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship in Memory of Gerald J. Mullen '91 
  • Sandra L. and Ellis P. Murphy ’63 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Natho Family '60 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Patricia ’96 and Jonathan ’96 Neerman Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Debbie & Roy H. New ’69 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Antonio "Tony" Nogueras '86 Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Michael A. Ogden '86 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Dorothy Schuette and George W. Ohlendorf ’60 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Glenda and Doug Otten ’65 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • John C. Otto, Jr. '70 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • John C. Otto, Jr. '70 Endowed Memorial Corps Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Joseph and Delores Pavelka Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Stacy M. '97 and Gregory W. '97 Pavlik Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mark P. Petrie '20 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Pi Omicron Graduate Brothers Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lou B. Presnal Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sheryl and James H. "Jim" Prestidge, Jr. '80 Endowed Corp of Cadets Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Dr. Hugh Douglas "Doug" Prewitt '71 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lara D. Pringle '03 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Linda D. Pringle Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • George and Connie Pritchard '81 Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jack M. Rains '60 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lisa Ramirez ’10 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Wanda and Jack W. Rapp '59 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Randy W. Ray '87 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Daniel R. Reetz ’17 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • LTC Harold A. “Soupy” Reich ’45 Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Joe B. Reuss ’49 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Pamela K. '80 and Thomas E. '80 Rheinlander Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Wanda '77 and David '67 Roberts Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sheryl '09 and Gabe '07 Rios Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Edna and Norman B. ’59 Ross Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Stephanie and James B. Russ ’86 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • San Antonio Texas A&M Mothers’ Club Ring of Honor Scholarship 
  • Margaret L. '97 and David A. '97 Schell Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Perry J. Schwierzke Jr. '60 Endowed Memorial Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • The Scofield Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Betty Scott Settlemeyer Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Perry J. Shepard '53 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Robert L. Smith '50 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Victoria A. Brown-Sobecki ’78 and Daniel M. Sobecki Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Laura and Miky Sodhi '04 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Rachel L. Spelman '16 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Mary Lee and Jack M. Spinks '59 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Squadron 6 Class of 1979 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Carolyn and William K. Stanton ’64 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • David '79 and Marsie '80 Stauch Endowed Veteran Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Raeann and Micheal T. Stevens ’88 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Cecil and Lillie Belle Stooksberry Family Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Linda and David L. Strickland '83 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Julia D. Subieta '15 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Karen Krafka Subieta ’78 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Joshua '17 and Meg Sutton Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Carroll ’40 and Lacolian Swearingen Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda and Van H. Taylor ’71 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Thomas Family Aggie Ring Endowment
  • Russell W. Thompson ’85 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Ellen and Penrod S. Thornton '63 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • David A. and Katherine L. Toback '88 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Elena C. Tuller '25 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Walking Aggie Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Teddy and Guy Wallace '51 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Lindsay Dian Walters '09 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Sherry F. '80 and Mark D. '80 Weesner Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Brenda G. Weiser '82 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Colonel Mark A. Welsh, Jr. '46 Memorial Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Carolyn K. '88 and Joe E. '54 West Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Wharton County A&M Club Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Wesley L. White '84 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship 
  • Kristy S. '01 and Clayton W. '00 Williams III Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Jennifer M. and Robert O. Williams '97 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Tracey ’79 and Connie W. ’79 Williford Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Pamela J. '79 and A. Hearne '77 Williford, III Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Joyce and Robert G. Van Winkle, Jr. ’81 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship
  • Kirk L. Worley ’93 Endowed Memorial Aggie Ring Scholarship

505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2025 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved