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Memorial gifts may be made to The Association and will be considered a contribution in addition to active and Century Club membership requirements. All memorial gifts are placed in a trust fund from which the income is used to support scholarships at Texas A&M University. The purpose of such gifts is to memorialize deceased former students or friends of Texas A&M. In order to provide information and to assist you in fulfilling your desires to establish a memorial, we offer the following:

Simple Memorial: A memorial gift may be made in honor of any deceased former student or friend. Upon receipt of a gift an account is set up in the deceased person's name. All accounts of less than $350 are kept in a pooled fund. The income from this pooled fund is distributed by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid as they feel is most needed in the name of The Association. When contributing to a memorial please indicate the name and address of the person to be notified, usually a spouse or family member of the deceased. In addition to acknowledging your gift, we also inform the bereaved of your thoughtfulness.
Named Memorial: Please notify The Association if you desire to establish a Named Memorial, one bearing the name of the deceased. A minimum contribution of $350 is required for a Named Memorial. The fund is perpetuated indefinitely through investments and the income is used to provide scholarships through the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid in the name of The Association. List of all Named and Endowed Memorials.
Endowed Memorial: Once a memorial scholarship reaches a minimum of $25,000 in principal it becomes endowed. At this point the principal is removed from pooled funds and each year a student will receive a scholarship in the name of the memorialized person. A minimum $25,000 endowment will award at least $1,000 per academic year to a deserving Texas Aggie.
Each Fall semester The Association hosts a thank you writing party inviting all recipients of Endowed Memorials to write a note of thanks to their donor. In April of each year The Association co-sponsors a Scholarship Reception with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Recipients of all memorial scholarships are selected by the Scholarship Committee of Texas A&M University and scholarships are administered by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid of Texas A&M University. To apply for a scholarship, please visit
For further information regarding a new or existing Endowed Memorial, please contact Sheila Connor '92 by phone at (979) 845-7514 or at