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Volunteer Expectations

The Association of Former Students is committed to fostering a positive and engaging environment for our volunteers and team. This Volunteer Expectations Policy outlines the expectations and guidelines for all individuals who choose to contribute their time and skills to The Association.

Volunteers are expected to support and promote The Association’s mission, which is to:

  • Strengthen The Association of Former Students,
  • Promote the interests and welfare of Texas A&M University,
  • Perpetuate ties of affection and esteem formed in university or college days, and
  • Serve the student body.

Texas Aggies hold steadfast to a set of core values that guide our actions and decisions: Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service. As an integral part of the worldwide Aggie Network and our mission fulfillment, volunteers are expected to uphold these values in all aspects of service to The Association of Former Students and Texas A&M University:

  • Excellence
    Having an unwavering desire and commitment to do one’s best in all aspects of life.
    The Association of Former Students’ vision is to be the premier alumni organization. Association volunteers must commit to delivering high-quality service in the area in which they are volunteering in a manner that upholds The Association’s vision.
  • Integrity
    Doing the right things regardless of the circumstances or personal consequences.
    Integrity is the foundation of our actions. Association volunteers are expected to act with honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct. Upholding the highest standards of integrity builds trust and credibility within the Aggie Network.
  • Leadership
    Inspiring others to follow due to the strength, integrity, and benevolence of one’s character.
    As Aggies, we embrace leadership in our communities and professions. Association volunteers must demonstrate leadership by inspiring others, promoting collaboration, and contributing positively to the noble mission of The Association of Former Students.
  • Loyalty
    Being dedicated to our nation, state, university, families, and those institutions and values we hold dearest.
    Loyalty to Texas A&M and each other is a cornerstone of our identity. Association volunteers are expected to show unwavering loyalty to The Association of Former Students and Texas A&M University, fellow Aggies, and the core values that bind us together. The Association of Former Students promotes a culture of support and camaraderie amongst all former students.
  • Respect
    Earning favor through the consistent dignity and merit of one’s character.
    As Aggies, we foster a culture of respect for all individuals. Association volunteers shall treat all members of the Aggie Network — including The Association of Former Students’ staff, fellow Association volunteers, and leadership of Texas A&M University and The Texas A&M University System — with the utmost respect, dignity, understanding, and appreciation for diverse perspectives. Valuing and respecting one another strengthens the fabric of the Aggie Network.
  • Selfless Service
    Providing one’s time, talents, or resources for the greater good without regard for personal gain or recognition.
    Association volunteers must commit to selfless service for the greater good of The Association of Former Students, Texas A&M, and the Aggie Network. Actions should be guided by a genuine desire to contribute positively, make a difference, and enhance the overall experience of fellow Aggies.

The Association of Former Students’ volunteers can expect The Association’s staff to uphold Texas A&M’s core values of Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service in all interactions with our volunteers and constituents.

NOTE: The Association of Former Students’ Volunteer Expectations Policy only pertains to the individuals who specifically volunteer for The Association, to include, but not limited to: The Association’s Leadership Council, Aggie Ring Day volunteers, Legislative Advocates, etc. This policy does not extend to the boards and memberships of The Association of Former Students’ chartered A&M Clubs and Constituent Networks.

View the full Volunteer Expectations Policy

Report a Volunteer Expectations Policy Violation


505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2025 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved